If you are an existing customer of Canara Bank or planning to open an account, this article will be of great help. In this article, you can accurately calculate how much interest you will earn from your Canara Bank Savings account.
There is no doubt that there are various other attractive options where you can put money for better returns, but due to financial uncertainties many people keep the amount in their savings account. This amount does earn you interest but is usually quite less as compared to Fixed Deposits (FD), Recurring Deposits (RD) etc. Also, the interest rates are also revised time to time.
The motive of this article is to provide you with a Canara Bank Savings Account Interest rate calculator. This tools accurately calculates the interest you will earn as per the Latest Interest rates available at the bank.
Savings Account Interest Calculator
Annual Interest: Rs. ${interest.toFixed(2)}
To use our calculator, simply enter the average balance amount in your Savings bank account at Canara bank. After this, click on the “Calculate Interest” button. Now the interest rate applicable as per the amount will be used and the earned interest will be visible on the screen.
Effective from 21 December 2022, the interest rate for Savings account in Canara Bank are as follows :
This accurate calculator works based on the latest applicable interest rates (as mentioned in the table above). The user is asked to enter the Balance amount in their savings account. After this as soon as they click on “Calculate Interest” the calculation takes place within fraction of seconds. First, the applicable interest rate is grabbed from the table and then the calculations are done on the balance amount.