PNB Premature FD Withdrawal Calculator 2024

If you invested your money in PNB Fixed Deposit but now due to some financial issues, you want the premature closure of your PNB FD, you need to understand few things. The PNB premature FD closure will attract penal charges (penalty) and the actual payable amount will be calculated accordingly.

To help you out, we have prepared a PNB Premature FD Withdrawal Calculator. This calculator allows you to precisely calculate the amount you are going to get after prematurely closing your Punjab National Bank’s FD.

PNB Premature FD Closure Calculator

For this calculator to work perfectly, we need some information from you. This includes the Deposited Amount, Interest Rate Offered to you, Original Deposit Period (in Years or Months) and Premature Withdrawal Period (In Years or Months). After you correctly provide this information, hit the “Calculate Withdrawal” button to calculate the Premature FD Withdrawal amount for PNB, it’s that simple.

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PNB Premature FD Withdrawal Calculator

Interest Earned: ₹${interestEarned.toFixed(2)}

Total Withdrawal Amount: ₹${totalAmount.toFixed(2)}

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How PNB Fixed Deposit Premature Withdrawal Calculator Works?

The PNB Premature FD Withdrawal Calculator works by calculating the interest earned and the total withdrawal amount for a fixed deposit that is withdrawn before its maturity date. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how it works:


  1. Initial Deposit Amount: The principal amount initially deposited in the fixed deposit.
  2. Contractual Interest Rate: The interest rate agreed upon at the time of making the fixed deposit.
  3. Original Deposit Period: The total period (tenure) for which the fixed deposit was originally agreed upon, which can be in months or years.
  4. Premature Withdrawal Period: The actual period for which the fixed deposit was held before being prematurely withdrawn, which can also be in months or years.

Calculation Steps:

Convert Periods to Months:

The calculator converts both the original deposit period and the premature withdrawal period into months to standardize the units for calculation.

For example, if the original deposit period is given in years, it is converted to months by multiplying the number of years by 12.

Determine Penal Interest Rate:

The penal interest rate is calculated by subtracting 1% from the contractual interest rate.

This penalty is typically imposed by banks to discourage premature withdrawals and compensate for the loss of interest income.

Calculate Interest Earned:

The interest earned is calculated using the formula:

pnb fd premature withdrawal calculation

This formula computes the interest based on the penal interest rate and the actual period the deposit was held (in years).

Punjab National Bank Premature FD Closure : FAQs

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